Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Anthropology, 2024
M.A. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Anthropology, 2020
B.A. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa - Anthropology and Interdisciplinary Studies, 2016
Research Interests
Human-environment interactions, human behavioral ecology, niche construction theory, initial colonization, migration, multi-scalar archaeology, lithic technology, microscopic use-wear, Preceramic Peru, Pleistocene-Holocene transition, Middle-Holocene climatic optimum, origins of agriculture, lithic analysis in ceramic-period archaeology
Peer-Reviewed Publications
2023 Garvey, R., Poe, K., and Pratt, L. Spatial and Temporal Trends in Peru’s Radiocarbon Record of Middle Holocene Peru. Quaternary International.
2022 Pratt, L. and A. Guengerich. Lithic Analysis of Andean Sedentary Societies, a Case Study from Chachapoyas, Peru, And Potential Applications. Latin American Antiquity.
Grants, Fellowships and Awards (* Indicates external funding source)
2022-2023 National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Award ($20,000)
2022-2023 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship ($23,000)
2022 James B. Griffin Scholarship Fund ($4,000)
2022 Richard I Ford Award for Anthropological Research on Humans and the Environment ($1,000)
2020-21 Foreign Language Area Scholarship - Quechua ($18,000)*
2019 Center for the Education of Women+ Riecker Graduate Student Fellowship ($4,000)
2019 Rackham International Research Award ($6,500)
2019 Rackham Conference Travel Grant ($800)
2018 Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies Field Research Grant ($575)
2018 International Institute Individual Fellowship ($1,200)
2022-Present Co-Director Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica: Cazadores-Recolectores de Chachapoyas (CARECH) – Dissertation Field Season, Leymebamba & Uchucmarca, Peru
2019 Director Preliminary Dissertation Field Survey; Leymebamba and Uchumarca, Peru
2018 Field Archaeologist Tambillo Archaeological Project, Leymebamba, Peru Directed by Dr. Anna Guengerich, Eckerd College
2017 Field Archaeologist Excavations at Quebrada Jaguay, Camaná, Peru Directed by Dr. Kurt Rademaker, Michigan State University
2017 Field Archaeologist Early Occupation of Pemrang Village, Yap, Micronesia Directed by Matthew Napolitano, University of Oregon
2016 Laboratory Volunteer Gault School of Archaeological Research, Texas Directed by Dr. Michael Collins and Dr. Clark Wernecke
2014-16 Archaeological Technician State Conservation and Rescue Archaeology Program, New Hampshire, USA Directed by Dr. Richard Boisvert, New Hampshire State Archaeologist
2015 Laboratory Volunteer Southern Pacific Archaeological Research, Dunedin, New Zealand Directed by Dr. Chris Jacomb and Dr. Richard Walter
2013 Field School Student Moundville Plaza Project, Moundville, AL, USA Directed by Dr. John Blitz
Teaching and Professional Positions 2023 Graduate Student Instructor (GSI), Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Anthro 463: Statistical Modeling and Data Visualization in R
2023 Graduate Student Instructor (GSI), Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Anthro 296: The Evolution of Flavor
2023 Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA), University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology, High Latitude and Western North America Range
2021 Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA), University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology, Circum Polar Range
2020 Graduate Student Research Assistant Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
2019 Graduate Student Instructor Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan Lab manager, Osteology Laboratory
2019 Head Graduate Student Instructor Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan Anthro 101: Introduction to Anthropology
2018 Graduate Student Instructor Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan Anthrobio 363: Genes, Disease & Culture
2017 Graduate Student Instructor Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan Anthro 101: Introduction to Anthropology
Bold text indicates instructor of record.
Conferences and Symposia
2023 Human-Environment Interactions and the Hunter-Gatherers of Chachapoyas, Peru. Paper presented at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.
2023 The Archaeology of Tropical Montane Cloud Forest. Session organized at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.
2023 Finding Hunter-Gatherers in Chachapoyas, Peru. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology Brown Bag Series.
2023 Early Regional Development in the Ceja de Selva of Northern Peru. Pratt L., López Aldave N. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Midwest Conference for Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory.
2022 From Hunter-Gatherers to the Present: Excavations in the Caves and Rockshelters of Leymebamba and Uchucmarca. Paper presented at the US Grantee Seminar 2022, Perú Fulbright Commission.
2022 Desde Cazadores-Recolectores Hasta Presente: Excavaciones en Las Cuevas de Leymebamba y Uchucmarca. Invited paper presented at Instituto de Arqueología y Anthropología Kuélap (INAAK), Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, Chachapoyas, Peru.
2022 Cumulative Culture vs Radiocarbon Gaps in Peru: A Case for Un-Muddling the Middle. Garvey R., Pratt L., and Poe K. Paper presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.
2020 Stone in the Age of Clay. Brown Bag Lecture Series, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology.
2019 Caves of Chachapoyas: Modern Human Activities and Archaeological Potential. Brown Bag Lecture Series, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology.
2018 Using Behavioral Ecology to Understand Mobility Among Prehistoric Andean Hunter-Gatherers. Paper presented at the 85th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.
2018 The Speleological Fallacy. Brown Bag Lecture, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology.
2018 Looking for the First People in Yap, Micronesia. Field Archaeology Series on Thursday (FAST), Kelsey Museum of Archaeology.
2021 AUGMENT, Undergraduate Mentoring Program, Department of Anthropology, Mentor
2021 University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology New Student Orientation Committee
2021 Student Representative, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology Curators' Meetings
2021 Student Representative, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology Executive Committee
2020-21 Department of Anthropology Student Ally
2018-20 University of Michigan, Anthropology Department Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee Archaeology Student Representative
2016-18 University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology Brown Bag Committee Member